Daily Archives: March 14, 2012

Blogs I LOVE

It’s been one of those days for me, when I just feel a little down, a little blah.  The persistently rainy grey weather here certainly doesn’t help.

But I’m going to experiment with another banana bread in the crockpot this afternoon, go for a jog in the rain if it kills me (and it really might as those Chinese marble sidewalks get pretty slippery in this mist), and send some love out to a few other bloggers whose thoughts often cheer me up on days like these.

I used to be a mere blog-writer, but now I’m also a blog-reader!

It’s sort of an acquired taste.  But once you get bitten, you’re always on the hunt for new fun blogs (here were a few from awhile back), and here are a few of my recent faves, who all happen to be fellow lady bloggers (hollah):

A Cup of Jo: Sleek and chic posts from this Manhattan writer and mother range from fashion to news to food to travel.  Here’s a recent post I enjoyed speculating on whether we Americans are as busy as we claim, and what’s up with that.  I also especially enjoy Jo’s weekend links and honest thoughts.

The Happiness Project:  Started in conjunction with the book (which I recommend!), Gretchen Rubin’s blog is an eclectic mix of happiness quotes, mini-videos, interviews, and general insights to everyday life.  I like this recent interview with Kyran Pittman (I was totally reflecting on the same Tom Petty line that “most of the things I worry about never happen anyway,” while I was running the other day, and her book sounds great!), and this little video about scheduling tv so that it doesn’t take over your life.

Home. Spice. Life:  I don’t remember how I stumbled onto this delightful blog, but my only complaint is that its twenty-something chef, decorator, and generally interesting muse doesn’t post more often!  She’s one of those bloggers with a great eye for decor, and tons of class (check out these cakestands–I would never think to post on cakestands, but I love reading about them!).  She’s a fellow planner, goal-setter, and list-maker: what’s not to love?!

Rachel Held Evans Blog:  I have to confess I haven’t read her much-talked about work, The Year of Biblical Womanhood, but it’s on my list, and I’m a fan of her posts.  Her witty, thoughtful words certainly attract a lot of controversy, but she’s a simple, bold voice for women in ministry and consciousness-raising when it comes to some of the problems with evangelical Christianity today.

The Healthy Everythingtarian:  I love Holly’s quirky style, sense of humor, and of course, her appetite!  Most of all I love her Wisconsin-pride, her commitment to being herselfa strong confident voice for single ladies, and the fact that I can always count on her blog to provide some perspective without waxing too poetic (sometimes a gal just needs a burger and a beer, right?).

What blogs do you read regularly and what are your recommendations?